
22 Days to Change

We have figured out all there is to know about reaching students for Christ. We are doing so well. In fact, there are some churches that are seeing 500 hundred students a week attending their events!

The truth is, there is so much for us to learn, and so much for us to do. We are not doing a very good job of reaching teenagers for Christ. We are not leading them into passionate relationships with Christ. They are not being transformed.

We have even learned that close to 90% of the students in America have no connection with Jesus. There are thousands of teenagers all around us making the few really large youth groups, you know the ones we dream about leading someday, look like drops in a bucket.

Does that bug you?

I’m not sure what we’ve done wrong. Maybe it’s the way students are wired. Maybe we are reaping the fruit of careless generations before us. Maybe some of us aren’t so supposed to be youth workers. Maybe we haven’t stopped and asked God to help us. Maybe we fail to pray.

Something has to change.

2009 is 22 days away. What would happen if we took the next 22 days and got on our knees and prayed? I mean really prayed. I have an idea. Its crazy. Its way out there. Lets pray.

Find a significant amount of time to pray every morning for the next 22 days. Ask God to break your heart for the students you see each and every day. Ask God to open your eyes to what they need. Ask God to give you favor. Ask God to purify your life. Ask God to do something bigger than ever. Pray for names. Pray specifically. Ask God for a lot!

Great things will happen if we pray.

There is so much to learn!

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