
Marko and Tic at YS St. Louis

checkout marko and tic at ys st louis . . . pretty fine cheerleaders . . . watch the video now, its loaded at the top right corner of my blog.


You got to see this. . . i was watching E60 tonight on ESPN. this stuff is amazing.
Read the following slice taken from the american parkour website
The kid in the picture is jumping from one building to another . . . not on a board!

What is Parkour?

Parkour is the art of moving through your environment using only your body and the surroundings to propel yourself. It can include running, jumping, climbing, even crawling, if that is the most suitable movement for the situation. Parkour could be grasped by imagining a race through an obstacle course, the goal is to overcome obstacles quickly and efficiently, without using extraneous movement. Apply this line of thought to an urban environment, or even a run through the woods, and you're on the right path. Because individual movements could vary so greatly by the situation, it is better to consider Parkour as defined by the intention instead of the movements themselves. If the intention is to get somewhere using the most effective movements with the least loss of momentum, then it could probably be considered Parkour.

What isn't Parkour?

Parkour is not acrobatics, tricking, stunts, recklessness, or jumping off high objects for no reason. It is not any movement or activity that doesn't fit in the above description "What Parkour Is". It is also not "What you make of it" ... it is predefined and has a purpose, if something doesn't suit that purpose, it is not Parkour.


it's fast. life that is. i just got back from the national youth workers convention in st louis, spent a couple of days at home in arlington, and i'm off to birmingham in the morning. i love what i get to do, just wish i had a little more time to just sit still. a little more time with my wife and girls would be nice too.

i did read something really cool this morning. i found it in the little book of Amos. Amos 5. the message translates it like this, "so seek God and live! you don't want to end up with nothing to show for your life." i love it when i find stuff like this in scripture.

ok . . . i'm off . . . gotta get back to it