I've been thinking a lot lately about what the phrase, "Brothers In Christ" means lately.
There are 3 brothers in my family. We love each each other and want the best for each other. We go out of way to stay in touch. We help each other when we can. We stand together in both good and bad times. We talk. There is a blood bond in us and it will never go away. AND — we disappoint and hurt each other every once in a while.
So it is with a brother in Christ.
In Jesus — we are brothers. Because of Him — we love each other. We should do everything possible to be there when one of our brothers is hurt. We should never turn our backs.
As I think about what it means to be a brother in Christ, I think of I Corinthians 13. It paints a great picture of love and I believe it gives us a good model of what a brother in Christ is supposed to be.
One of the words used in this passage is KIND. I think a brother in Christ is Kind.
I long for a day in the Christian community when we treat each other like the brothers that we really are. If we would live and love like true brothers, then the world might take a second look at Christ. If we could act like brothers, we could get so much done and further the kingdom of God on earth!
So . . . there you go . . . I hope there are others out there who agree.