LIstened to a talk by Reggie Joiner at Orange this week! It was fantastic.
I'm planning on taking the notes and creating a post as soon as I can.
Head Students off at the Pass
Heard a great message today at church . . . it was all about encouragement and what that really means. One of the points the speaker made was that we should head people off at the pass . . . it made me think about our role with students. Many times God puts us in their lives to step in and head them off before they make big mistakes. I hope we all take that role serious.
Youth Ministry
As I sit here tonight, I am confident that there are many youth workers out there right now in need of encouragement. This entry is an effort to help.
Think about these things ...
... you are loved by God
... you are important to Him
... He knows everything
... He knows how you feel
... what you do makes an eternal difference
... the students in your life need you to be there
... people are counting on you
... you are making a difference
... the Creator of all things is on your side
... you are loved
... what you do is noticed and appreciated
... you will not be forgotten
... in Him is true life
I know that what you do is sometimes discouraging ... and ... God knows so much better than any of us what you really need. My encouragement to you is to get alone with Him and let the Spirit breathe life into your discouraged soul right now.
Trust me, the encouragement and love you are seeking is found in Him and sometimes in Him alone. Let these words of our Lord sink in deep. "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Be encouraged!
Think about these things ...
... you are loved by God
... you are important to Him
... He knows everything
... He knows how you feel
... what you do makes an eternal difference
... the students in your life need you to be there
... people are counting on you
... you are making a difference
... the Creator of all things is on your side
... you are loved
... what you do is noticed and appreciated
... you will not be forgotten
... in Him is true life
I know that what you do is sometimes discouraging ... and ... God knows so much better than any of us what you really need. My encouragement to you is to get alone with Him and let the Spirit breathe life into your discouraged soul right now.
Trust me, the encouragement and love you are seeking is found in Him and sometimes in Him alone. Let these words of our Lord sink in deep. "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Be encouraged!
The Work Of God
So I am reading through the book of John right now. Its been really really, really good!
As I am reading John 6, this verse just jumped off the page.
The work of God is this, to believe in the one He has sent. John 6:29 NIV
I must admit, this phrase is stuck in my mind right now and its causing me to evaluate so many things.
Living Bible :: Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”
CEV :: Jesus answered, "God wants you to have faith in the one he sent.
Wycliff NT :: Jesus answered, and said to them, This is the work of God, that ye believe to him, whom he sent.
The Message :: Jesus said, "Throw your lot in with the One that God has sent. That kind of a commitment gets you in on God's works."
Jesus could not have made it in any more simple. Could it be that the very thing God wants me to do here on earth is just believe in Jesus?
One commentator put it like this, "Jesus' reply to their question sharply refocuses their attention on trust in God and his grace--The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent (v. 29). Jesus, the Good Shepherd, has finally gotten them to face in the right direction. It is not many works that God requires but one work. And that work is to believe, to trust in Jesus as the one sent from God, as God's unique Son who offers God's grace. Jesus' work is to reveal the Father (cf. 4:34), and our work is to receive that revelation and align our lives with it."
As I am reading John 6, this verse just jumped off the page.
The work of God is this, to believe in the one He has sent. John 6:29 NIV
I must admit, this phrase is stuck in my mind right now and its causing me to evaluate so many things.
Living Bible :: Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”
CEV :: Jesus answered, "God wants you to have faith in the one he sent.
Wycliff NT :: Jesus answered, and said to them, This is the work of God, that ye believe to him, whom he sent.
The Message :: Jesus said, "Throw your lot in with the One that God has sent. That kind of a commitment gets you in on God's works."
Jesus could not have made it in any more simple. Could it be that the very thing God wants me to do here on earth is just believe in Jesus?
One commentator put it like this, "Jesus' reply to their question sharply refocuses their attention on trust in God and his grace--The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent (v. 29). Jesus, the Good Shepherd, has finally gotten them to face in the right direction. It is not many works that God requires but one work. And that work is to believe, to trust in Jesus as the one sent from God, as God's unique Son who offers God's grace. Jesus' work is to reveal the Father (cf. 4:34), and our work is to receive that revelation and align our lives with it."
Great Love is Coming
April 18,2008
Its been a couple of days since my last entry. Today is another travel day. Headed up to Columbus, Ohio. Gonna spend the day today looking around Columbus. Planning on checking out Ohio State. Need to see the horseshoe for the first time.
As for the journey, things took a nice turn these last couple of days. I made a decision to stop talking to people about what my next step is and turn spend as much time as I could in God’s Word and with Him in prayer. Its been totally cool. I read the entire book of John. I finished it yesterday walking through the botanical Japanese Garden in Fort Worth. The garden was the best place to walk, to stop, to read out loud the story of Jesus as given to us through the disciple he loved, John.
Its hard to sum up what I felt as I read these incredible words. I was happy as I read. It was if He was speaking to me directly and His presence was really thick. I heard Him call me to spend the rest of my life getting to know Him . . . to believe in Him. As I think back, He did that over and over through the book. He had strong words to say to people who thought they had God all figured out. Those religious leaders were fools. There was God right in front of them and they completely missed it. They heard Him speak audibly, they saw Him make a man see who had been blind from birth, they heard about Him making a dead man live again and they saw how people chose to follow Him. Yet — they chose another way. They made the decision to trust in the knowledge they had in their head instead of God’s gift.
I will say that there were several things that confused me as I read. Jesus talked a lot about people who were chosen by God. I need to pray and figure out what He meant by those words. I was also moved by the Roman leader who seemed to know who Jesus was. He knew. At least I think He knew.
Another moment that stands out to me was when Jesus prayed for His disciples and for people that included me. He loved us. He wanted us to know Him. He even made it clear that our job while we are here is to believe in Him. He really wanted this to happen. He also wanted so much for the disciples. He wanted them to love. He wanted them to be one. He want them to be united together in Spirit just like He is with God and the Holy Spirit. He wanted the disciples to feed His sheep.
Speaking of the Holy Spirit, Jesus told me that I could greater things than even He did because He was sending the Spirit to fill me up and help me live on this planet.
Jesus also talked a lot about where He was going. He knew how great it was because He had been there. He left there to come spend a little time on earth. He knew how great heaven was. He made me want to go there now.
I liked the simplicity of the message John recorded. Jesus spoke truth and told us how to get to the Father. He knows what we experience here on earth and He did it all so we could live forever and glorify His Father.
The glory of God was also a major theme of this great book. I remember Jesus saying over and over that it was His Father’s glory that He was doing all he was. Jesus lived and died — for the Father — for the glory of God.
I remember crying when it came to the end as I read John’s words describing the trial and the crucifixion. Jesus took so much for you and me. He just took it. And the Jews really wanted Him gone. They had time and time again to see Him set free, but they chose to take His life. They hated Him and His message. They knew that their power was being taken away. I believe they knew when He died that they had lost, even though he was physically gone.
I especially loved the time Jesus spent with His disciples after the resurrection. He went out of His way to tell them He was alive. The time with Thomas was sweet. I relate to Thomas.
So, here I am, a day later. Sitting on a plane, enjoying writing all this stuff down. I am really glad I spent the last two days in the Word like I did. Now, as I lean into the next step, I can do so with more confidence. He has a plan for me. He is going to be God to me know matter what. I wonder what He is going to ask me to do next? I know it will involve believing deeper in Him. I know it will involve helping people love. I am sure it will circle the principle of unity in the body of Christ.
Thank you un-created, un-ending, always loving great God.
I am certain great love is coming!!!!!!!!!!!
Its been a couple of days since my last entry. Today is another travel day. Headed up to Columbus, Ohio. Gonna spend the day today looking around Columbus. Planning on checking out Ohio State. Need to see the horseshoe for the first time.
As for the journey, things took a nice turn these last couple of days. I made a decision to stop talking to people about what my next step is and turn spend as much time as I could in God’s Word and with Him in prayer. Its been totally cool. I read the entire book of John. I finished it yesterday walking through the botanical Japanese Garden in Fort Worth. The garden was the best place to walk, to stop, to read out loud the story of Jesus as given to us through the disciple he loved, John.
Its hard to sum up what I felt as I read these incredible words. I was happy as I read. It was if He was speaking to me directly and His presence was really thick. I heard Him call me to spend the rest of my life getting to know Him . . . to believe in Him. As I think back, He did that over and over through the book. He had strong words to say to people who thought they had God all figured out. Those religious leaders were fools. There was God right in front of them and they completely missed it. They heard Him speak audibly, they saw Him make a man see who had been blind from birth, they heard about Him making a dead man live again and they saw how people chose to follow Him. Yet — they chose another way. They made the decision to trust in the knowledge they had in their head instead of God’s gift.
I will say that there were several things that confused me as I read. Jesus talked a lot about people who were chosen by God. I need to pray and figure out what He meant by those words. I was also moved by the Roman leader who seemed to know who Jesus was. He knew. At least I think He knew.
Another moment that stands out to me was when Jesus prayed for His disciples and for people that included me. He loved us. He wanted us to know Him. He even made it clear that our job while we are here is to believe in Him. He really wanted this to happen. He also wanted so much for the disciples. He wanted them to love. He wanted them to be one. He want them to be united together in Spirit just like He is with God and the Holy Spirit. He wanted the disciples to feed His sheep.
Speaking of the Holy Spirit, Jesus told me that I could greater things than even He did because He was sending the Spirit to fill me up and help me live on this planet.
Jesus also talked a lot about where He was going. He knew how great it was because He had been there. He left there to come spend a little time on earth. He knew how great heaven was. He made me want to go there now.
I liked the simplicity of the message John recorded. Jesus spoke truth and told us how to get to the Father. He knows what we experience here on earth and He did it all so we could live forever and glorify His Father.
The glory of God was also a major theme of this great book. I remember Jesus saying over and over that it was His Father’s glory that He was doing all he was. Jesus lived and died — for the Father — for the glory of God.
I remember crying when it came to the end as I read John’s words describing the trial and the crucifixion. Jesus took so much for you and me. He just took it. And the Jews really wanted Him gone. They had time and time again to see Him set free, but they chose to take His life. They hated Him and His message. They knew that their power was being taken away. I believe they knew when He died that they had lost, even though he was physically gone.
I especially loved the time Jesus spent with His disciples after the resurrection. He went out of His way to tell them He was alive. The time with Thomas was sweet. I relate to Thomas.
So, here I am, a day later. Sitting on a plane, enjoying writing all this stuff down. I am really glad I spent the last two days in the Word like I did. Now, as I lean into the next step, I can do so with more confidence. He has a plan for me. He is going to be God to me know matter what. I wonder what He is going to ask me to do next? I know it will involve believing deeper in Him. I know it will involve helping people love. I am sure it will circle the principle of unity in the body of Christ.
Thank you un-created, un-ending, always loving great God.
I am certain great love is coming!!!!!!!!!!!
reading today
i took a few hours today and read the book of John. i was in a beautiful park in botanical gardens in fort worth. it was just me and the God. it was awesome!
as i finished the book i was moved to tears as i read the part about Jesus being crucified. wow! what a life! what a sacrifice.
i hope and pray that i live the rest of my life for His glory. i want to be man of love. a person of peace. an evangelist. i want my life to bring Him glory!!!!
as i finished the book i was moved to tears as i read the part about Jesus being crucified. wow! what a life! what a sacrifice.
i hope and pray that i live the rest of my life for His glory. i want to be man of love. a person of peace. an evangelist. i want my life to bring Him glory!!!!
Proverbs 16:1-3
To man belong the plans of the heart,
but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue.
All a man's ways seem innocent to him,
but motives are weighed by the LORD.
Commit to the LORD whatever you do,
and your plans will succeed.
but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue.
All a man's ways seem innocent to him,
but motives are weighed by the LORD.
Commit to the LORD whatever you do,
and your plans will succeed.
Great Questions and Clear Answers
Today I am flying back from a series of meetings with people who deeply care about what happens with students and what happens in the world of youth ministry. I was impressed by the amount of care and concern that these few people put into the planning and thoughts for an event that is almost 14 months away.
As for me, well, the questions are great right now. What do I do next? Where do I go? What do I do with the rest of my life? What role do I play in the story of God? How do I spend my time really being a great husband and loving father? How do I live out the next chapter to its fullest and do what I am supposed to do with my career? What am I supposed to do as a follower of Christ?
And . . . where do I get the answer? As soon as I asked this question I was reminded of Jeremiah 33:3. Call to me God says. Call to me and I will tell you great and mighty things that you do not know. I know that the other day as I was deeply hurting I found myself quoting passages of Scripture for some reason. It was the right thing to do. It was cool. I left my house and God’s Spirit began to talk to me through the verses I had memorized years ago. Verses I memorized when I was a kid came back to my mind. I heard God speak to me that day and I returned home with a little bit of peace. I am certain that the answer does come in His Word and in the glory found in it. The life found in it. Truly God’s Word is alive.
Now I am 12 days removed form that walk through my neighborhood and through the verses God has placed in my life, on my heart, and in my mind. Today I am filled with pain again. Is this the way it’s going to be for a while? Is this the journey ahead? Is the journey forever? I hope not. I mean I don’t hope I ever stop letting God and His Word be my guide. I do hope the pain I have goes away soon.
As I struggle, as I try and figure out what this swirling situation is all about, I will keep the faith and be as strong as I can. I have confidence in my God and His truth. I will put my trust in God. I know He is in control.
What a glorious day, what a wonderful day, glorious day these dark and mysterious days are. I say that because I know that God is not mean. I know He is mysteriously weaving life in me and He is making me like Him. I know that He is on His throne and He is unchangeable, unshakeable, unstoppable. He is going to do what He wants to do and is doing what He wants to do. His power cannot be held by anything. He is God!
I like the truth that says He has no beginning and no end. God is forever. I love the fact the God who is truly unstoppable is my personal Lord and Savior. Right now in these bad times I am sure that this thing happening in me and to me is making me more like Him and raising me up to new heights.
I also know that I am looking for the day when I go to a place where God is and the old is brand new. I can’t wait until I sit at his feet and enjoy His great love up close and personal. I can’t wait to be in His presence. Oh when will it come? How long will it take for the rest to come?? I want it to come soon.
God, thank you for your Word and for the life I feel when I am close to you. Thank you for letting me into the meeting with you. Thank you for letting me see what you are truly like and thank you so much for not letting me down!
Thank you for opening your hand to me and loving me like a loving Father loves His little child. I feel like a little child right now and I love getting your attention the way you are turning to me.
I’m going to go get your Word out again . . . I can’t wait to see what you want to say to me today. I am sure you will give me the answers I need to have at just the right time.
As for me, well, the questions are great right now. What do I do next? Where do I go? What do I do with the rest of my life? What role do I play in the story of God? How do I spend my time really being a great husband and loving father? How do I live out the next chapter to its fullest and do what I am supposed to do with my career? What am I supposed to do as a follower of Christ?
And . . . where do I get the answer? As soon as I asked this question I was reminded of Jeremiah 33:3. Call to me God says. Call to me and I will tell you great and mighty things that you do not know. I know that the other day as I was deeply hurting I found myself quoting passages of Scripture for some reason. It was the right thing to do. It was cool. I left my house and God’s Spirit began to talk to me through the verses I had memorized years ago. Verses I memorized when I was a kid came back to my mind. I heard God speak to me that day and I returned home with a little bit of peace. I am certain that the answer does come in His Word and in the glory found in it. The life found in it. Truly God’s Word is alive.
Now I am 12 days removed form that walk through my neighborhood and through the verses God has placed in my life, on my heart, and in my mind. Today I am filled with pain again. Is this the way it’s going to be for a while? Is this the journey ahead? Is the journey forever? I hope not. I mean I don’t hope I ever stop letting God and His Word be my guide. I do hope the pain I have goes away soon.
As I struggle, as I try and figure out what this swirling situation is all about, I will keep the faith and be as strong as I can. I have confidence in my God and His truth. I will put my trust in God. I know He is in control.
What a glorious day, what a wonderful day, glorious day these dark and mysterious days are. I say that because I know that God is not mean. I know He is mysteriously weaving life in me and He is making me like Him. I know that He is on His throne and He is unchangeable, unshakeable, unstoppable. He is going to do what He wants to do and is doing what He wants to do. His power cannot be held by anything. He is God!
I like the truth that says He has no beginning and no end. God is forever. I love the fact the God who is truly unstoppable is my personal Lord and Savior. Right now in these bad times I am sure that this thing happening in me and to me is making me more like Him and raising me up to new heights.
I also know that I am looking for the day when I go to a place where God is and the old is brand new. I can’t wait until I sit at his feet and enjoy His great love up close and personal. I can’t wait to be in His presence. Oh when will it come? How long will it take for the rest to come?? I want it to come soon.
God, thank you for your Word and for the life I feel when I am close to you. Thank you for letting me into the meeting with you. Thank you for letting me see what you are truly like and thank you so much for not letting me down!
Thank you for opening your hand to me and loving me like a loving Father loves His little child. I feel like a little child right now and I love getting your attention the way you are turning to me.
I’m going to go get your Word out again . . . I can’t wait to see what you want to say to me today. I am sure you will give me the answers I need to have at just the right time.
the 124

124 Things I've Learned About Student Ministry
1. Its Hard and so worth it
2. Its fulfilling ...I don't want to do anything else
3. It takes a strategy
4. It’s difficult to measure
5. Connect with students who are busy
6. Parents are a mystery
7. Volunteers are hard to find
8. Volunteers are a joy
9. Volunteers need a leader
10. Church work is a calling
11. Some things never change, and that’s cool
12. Relationships are central
13. I must be real
14. I must be honest
15. Having fun needs to be a priority
16. Challenge students to dream big
17. Don’t be afraid to lead
18. Spend a lot of time on my knees
19. Pay the price of doing what’s unpopular
20. Get some skin in the game
21. Be committed to keep growing
22. Be a friend to the Sr. Pastor
23. Live in a community and not on an island
24. Take time-off
25. Rest more
26. Play hard
27. Stop trying to be cool
28. Teach deep
29. Take advantage of windows in time
30. Love more than you judge
31. Be patient
32. Partner with other youth leaders
33. Fight for the lives of students
34. Don’t waste time
35. Invest deep
36. Find a mentor
37. Intentionally mentor
38. Think first
39. Ready, Aim, Fire rather than Fire, Aim, Fire
40. Take your job serious
41. Be creative
42. Plan intensively
43. Recruit people to help you
44. Forgive always
45. Practice smiling
46. Be seen
47. Live in community
48. Practice what you preach
49. Get out if, you don’t like what your job
50. Make God first
51. Give God your ministry
52. Serve more than you teach
53. Admit it when you are wrong
54. Seek out accountability
55. Get rid of sin that could take you out of the game
56. Acknowledge the risk
57. Pay the price
58. Sacrifice your desires for God’s
59. Let God own your ministry
60. Be a friend to the community leaders and school systems
61. Volunteer outside your church
62. Let students lead
63. Invest in the leaders and give your ministry away
64. Work yourself out of a job
65. Pray more than you used to
66. I need to ask your family if you are home enough
67. Its good to let students see how much you love your spouse
68. You should bring your kids to youth group activities
69. If it’s a job, the get out
70. Being a student leader is a calling
71. There is no clear age limit
72. Tradition is not a bad thing
73. God’s Word is crucial
74. I need to be a peacemaker
75. Stand up for things that matter
76. Don’t try to fix everything you think is wrong
77. I pays to know your limits and stay home
78. Be honest with your limitations
79. Hire people that are better than you are
80. Make people a priority
81. Be smart
82. Seek out older and wiser people and commit to being with them
83. Never stop learning
84. Be a learner of the world the average students experiences daily
85. Be willing to get off a dead horse
86. Evaluate regularly
87. Do something about the results of your evaluations
88. Be a strong and try to develop thick skin
89. Know there will always people on and off your side
90. A few students will actually remember you forever
91. Remember that students will remember what you do long after they forget what you say
92. Learn from those who have gone before you
93. Remember who’s name is really on the line – “I lead you in the way of righteousness for my name’s sake” God
94. Keep your ears to the ground
95. Look deep in the ocean for what might be stirring
96. Focus . . . What you focus on happens
97. Be comfortable with technology but not dominated by it
98. Get control of your schedule
99. Travel
100. Pay attention to the Spirit more than the voices of people
101. Know the Word
102. Know God more than you know your students
103. Make compassion a priority
104. Live like Jesus
105. The greatest thing I can do is know God
106. Make innovation a high priority
107. Don’t rely on what’s always worked
108. Be willing to use the tools that are all around you
109. Be a good steward of the trust
110. Don’t quit
111. Ask God for vision
112. Ask God for Wisdom
113. Remember and rejoice
114. Trust and Obey
115. Stop trying to do everything and relax
116. Operate in your strengths
117. Be honest with your weaknesses
118. Be physically fit
119. Remember the milestone
120. God does the work
121. Trust in Him and eat Ice Cream
122. Don’t take yourself so serious
123. Stop competing with other Christian leaders
124. Define what you want to be known for
year of the empty hand
I'm watching American idol tonight ... Its the idol gives back show I mentioned a couple of days ago. Its been on for a little over an hour and people have already given almost 20 million dollars.
Amazing ... Where are the Christians? Where is the church? What idol is doing is both great and an inditement on many people who sit in church each and every week.
I'd love for this to motivate all of us and make this the year of the empty hand.
Amazing ... Where are the Christians? Where is the church? What idol is doing is both great and an inditement on many people who sit in church each and every week.
I'd love for this to motivate all of us and make this the year of the empty hand.
wondering and writing
its another day in the middle of spring storm season in texas. we had a near miss last night with a series of hail storms. anyway. its wednesday. i'm working on ideas for the future. thinking a lot about friends.
it's times like these that i wonder a little more than i should about things. big questions about the future seem to dominate my mind right now.
i would love to elaborate. i am having a hard time though.
i will say that as the next phase of life approaches that i want to be more intentional with relationships and with people. i am convinced that the enemy does all he can to take us down and he often uses the people around us to do so. as i ponder. as i think about the future, i will commit to be more faithful than ever to the people God has allowed me to grow close to. i want to be an even better friend than ever before. i want to be a great leader and faithful steward of those He allows to be under my care and walking along side me on the journey. i want the next phase of my life to be about faithfulness and spiritual depth. as i live. as i move forward in these deepening moments, may God lead me to the place He knows is best for me. may i be known as a man after Him and His causes on earth. may i be known as a man who really loves people. as someone you can trust. as someone you can turn to for help.
if you are a friend of mine, i am here for you. i mean it . . . i want to be the man God put me here on earth to be and part of that is being faithful to the people around me.
the storms missed me last night . . . but that was last night. i am sure they will come again. i hope i am here for the people around me when they find themselves in a storm that is bigger than wind and rain.
it's times like these that i wonder a little more than i should about things. big questions about the future seem to dominate my mind right now.
i would love to elaborate. i am having a hard time though.
i will say that as the next phase of life approaches that i want to be more intentional with relationships and with people. i am convinced that the enemy does all he can to take us down and he often uses the people around us to do so. as i ponder. as i think about the future, i will commit to be more faithful than ever to the people God has allowed me to grow close to. i want to be an even better friend than ever before. i want to be a great leader and faithful steward of those He allows to be under my care and walking along side me on the journey. i want the next phase of my life to be about faithfulness and spiritual depth. as i live. as i move forward in these deepening moments, may God lead me to the place He knows is best for me. may i be known as a man after Him and His causes on earth. may i be known as a man who really loves people. as someone you can trust. as someone you can turn to for help.
if you are a friend of mine, i am here for you. i mean it . . . i want to be the man God put me here on earth to be and part of that is being faithful to the people around me.
the storms missed me last night . . . but that was last night. i am sure they will come again. i hope i am here for the people around me when they find themselves in a storm that is bigger than wind and rain.
Kori Kate Finishes Another Soccer Season
American Idol
Last year American Idol gave 76 million dollars to several causes both here and around the world through the Idol gives back show. I remember being deeply moved last year as I watched the show . . . I'm looking forward to seeing what happens this Wednesday night . . . This year they will probably raise even more.
I read an article on MTV news tonight talking about this year's event. The celeb list of appearances for this event is incredible.
I read an article on MTV news tonight talking about this year's event. The celeb list of appearances for this event is incredible.
Ephesians 4:1-6
In light of all this, here's what I want you to do. While I'm locked up here, a prisoner for the Master, I want you to get out there and walk—better yet, run!—on the road God called you to travel. I don't want any of you sitting around on your hands. I don't want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere. And mark that you do this with humility and discipline—not in fits and starts, but steadily, pouring yourselves out for each other in acts of love, alert at noticing differences and quick at mending fences.
You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly. You have one Master, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who rules over all, works through all, and is present in all. Everything you are and think and do is permeated with Oneness.
i pray i live this out today. may we all live this out today.
You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly. You have one Master, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who rules over all, works through all, and is present in all. Everything you are and think and do is permeated with Oneness.
i pray i live this out today. may we all live this out today.
Brothers In Christ
I've been thinking a lot lately about what the phrase, "Brothers In Christ" means lately.
There are 3 brothers in my family. We love each each other and want the best for each other. We go out of way to stay in touch. We help each other when we can. We stand together in both good and bad times. We talk. There is a blood bond in us and it will never go away. AND — we disappoint and hurt each other every once in a while.
So it is with a brother in Christ.
In Jesus — we are brothers. Because of Him — we love each other. We should do everything possible to be there when one of our brothers is hurt. We should never turn our backs.
As I think about what it means to be a brother in Christ, I think of I Corinthians 13. It paints a great picture of love and I believe it gives us a good model of what a brother in Christ is supposed to be.
One of the words used in this passage is KIND. I think a brother in Christ is Kind.
I long for a day in the Christian community when we treat each other like the brothers that we really are. If we would live and love like true brothers, then the world might take a second look at Christ. If we could act like brothers, we could get so much done and further the kingdom of God on earth!
So . . . there you go . . . I hope there are others out there who agree.
There are 3 brothers in my family. We love each each other and want the best for each other. We go out of way to stay in touch. We help each other when we can. We stand together in both good and bad times. We talk. There is a blood bond in us and it will never go away. AND — we disappoint and hurt each other every once in a while.
So it is with a brother in Christ.
In Jesus — we are brothers. Because of Him — we love each other. We should do everything possible to be there when one of our brothers is hurt. We should never turn our backs.
As I think about what it means to be a brother in Christ, I think of I Corinthians 13. It paints a great picture of love and I believe it gives us a good model of what a brother in Christ is supposed to be.
One of the words used in this passage is KIND. I think a brother in Christ is Kind.
I long for a day in the Christian community when we treat each other like the brothers that we really are. If we would live and love like true brothers, then the world might take a second look at Christ. If we could act like brothers, we could get so much done and further the kingdom of God on earth!
So . . . there you go . . . I hope there are others out there who agree.
One Man's Impact
I was online today and saw a video describing the story behind the addidas shoes company . . . i'll find the video and post it soon. until i get my hands on the video, you can read part of it here on my blog . . .
read it . . . maybe it will challenge you like it did me.
Adi Dassler makes his first shoe in his workshop in Herzogenaurach near Nuremberg in Germany. The shoe made of canvas was a training shoe for runners and cost two reichsmarks. Adi Dassler followed three guiding principles in his development work: produce the best shoe for the requirements of the sport, protect the athlete from injury, and make the product durable.
Adi Dassler develops the first special shoes for soccer and track & field. For the first time shoes with studs and spikes are introduced. He also constructs different shoes for the different distances and uses state-of-the-art materials to achieve a saving in weight.
Adi Dassler's shoes are worn at the Olympic Games for the first time. Adi Dassler takes care of "his" athletes in Amsterdam and strives to optimize the respective shoes, working closely with athletes.
Adi Dassler makes his first tennis shoes.
At the Los Angeles Olympic Games Arthur Jonath takes the bronze in the 100 m in Dassler shoes.
The Olympic Games in Berlin are the sporting highlight for Jesse Owens. He sets new bests in almost all of the twelve events in which he competes. The black US-American is the most successful athlete in Berlin, winning four gold medals.
Adi Dassler's range now comprises 30 different shoes for a total of eleven sports.
The first Adi Dassler sports shoes produced after the war are made using canvas and rubber from American fuel tanks.
read it . . . maybe it will challenge you like it did me.
Adi Dassler makes his first shoe in his workshop in Herzogenaurach near Nuremberg in Germany. The shoe made of canvas was a training shoe for runners and cost two reichsmarks. Adi Dassler followed three guiding principles in his development work: produce the best shoe for the requirements of the sport, protect the athlete from injury, and make the product durable.
Adi Dassler develops the first special shoes for soccer and track & field. For the first time shoes with studs and spikes are introduced. He also constructs different shoes for the different distances and uses state-of-the-art materials to achieve a saving in weight.
Adi Dassler's shoes are worn at the Olympic Games for the first time. Adi Dassler takes care of "his" athletes in Amsterdam and strives to optimize the respective shoes, working closely with athletes.
Adi Dassler makes his first tennis shoes.
At the Los Angeles Olympic Games Arthur Jonath takes the bronze in the 100 m in Dassler shoes.
The Olympic Games in Berlin are the sporting highlight for Jesse Owens. He sets new bests in almost all of the twelve events in which he competes. The black US-American is the most successful athlete in Berlin, winning four gold medals.
Adi Dassler's range now comprises 30 different shoes for a total of eleven sports.
The first Adi Dassler sports shoes produced after the war are made using canvas and rubber from American fuel tanks.
Phil. 4:4-9 the Message
4-5Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him! Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you're on their side, working with them and not against them. Help them see that the Master is about to arrive. He could show up any minute!
6-7Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.
8-9Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.
6-7Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.
8-9Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.
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