April 18,2008
Its been a couple of days since my last entry. Today is another travel day. Headed up to Columbus, Ohio. Gonna spend the day today looking around Columbus. Planning on checking out Ohio State. Need to see the horseshoe for the first time.
As for the journey, things took a nice turn these last couple of days. I made a decision to stop talking to people about what my next step is and turn spend as much time as I could in God’s Word and with Him in prayer. Its been totally cool. I read the entire book of John. I finished it yesterday walking through the botanical Japanese Garden in Fort Worth. The garden was the best place to walk, to stop, to read out loud the story of Jesus as given to us through the disciple he loved, John.
Its hard to sum up what I felt as I read these incredible words. I was happy as I read. It was if He was speaking to me directly and His presence was really thick. I heard Him call me to spend the rest of my life getting to know Him . . . to believe in Him. As I think back, He did that over and over through the book. He had strong words to say to people who thought they had God all figured out. Those religious leaders were fools. There was God right in front of them and they completely missed it. They heard Him speak audibly, they saw Him make a man see who had been blind from birth, they heard about Him making a dead man live again and they saw how people chose to follow Him. Yet — they chose another way. They made the decision to trust in the knowledge they had in their head instead of God’s gift.
I will say that there were several things that confused me as I read. Jesus talked a lot about people who were chosen by God. I need to pray and figure out what He meant by those words. I was also moved by the Roman leader who seemed to know who Jesus was. He knew. At least I think He knew.
Another moment that stands out to me was when Jesus prayed for His disciples and for people that included me. He loved us. He wanted us to know Him. He even made it clear that our job while we are here is to believe in Him. He really wanted this to happen. He also wanted so much for the disciples. He wanted them to love. He wanted them to be one. He want them to be united together in Spirit just like He is with God and the Holy Spirit. He wanted the disciples to feed His sheep.
Speaking of the Holy Spirit, Jesus told me that I could greater things than even He did because He was sending the Spirit to fill me up and help me live on this planet.
Jesus also talked a lot about where He was going. He knew how great it was because He had been there. He left there to come spend a little time on earth. He knew how great heaven was. He made me want to go there now.
I liked the simplicity of the message John recorded. Jesus spoke truth and told us how to get to the Father. He knows what we experience here on earth and He did it all so we could live forever and glorify His Father.
The glory of God was also a major theme of this great book. I remember Jesus saying over and over that it was His Father’s glory that He was doing all he was. Jesus lived and died — for the Father — for the glory of God.
I remember crying when it came to the end as I read John’s words describing the trial and the crucifixion. Jesus took so much for you and me. He just took it. And the Jews really wanted Him gone. They had time and time again to see Him set free, but they chose to take His life. They hated Him and His message. They knew that their power was being taken away. I believe they knew when He died that they had lost, even though he was physically gone.
I especially loved the time Jesus spent with His disciples after the resurrection. He went out of His way to tell them He was alive. The time with Thomas was sweet. I relate to Thomas.
So, here I am, a day later. Sitting on a plane, enjoying writing all this stuff down. I am really glad I spent the last two days in the Word like I did. Now, as I lean into the next step, I can do so with more confidence. He has a plan for me. He is going to be God to me know matter what. I wonder what He is going to ask me to do next? I know it will involve believing deeper in Him. I know it will involve helping people love. I am sure it will circle the principle of unity in the body of Christ.
Thank you un-created, un-ending, always loving great God.
I am certain great love is coming!!!!!!!!!!!